A Look Into Our June 14th Simple Beauty Event at Cuyana


In June, cocokind held a Simple Beauty event with Celine Mactaggart from 24 East at Cuyana. The event was full of amazing Bay Area women entrepreneurs who gathered to learn more about natural skincare and simple living, while Sakara Life provided innovative clean eats to keep our guests healthy and full. Thank you to all who came to support our company and learn more about what we are contributing to the wellness movement. Below, we’ve highlighted some of our favorite memories!

Our event was held at Cuyana’s San Francisco showroom

Our guests enjoyed skincare tutorials and learned about the importance of organic and clean skincare!

Celine from 24 East and Priscilla (our founder) taking a pre-party snap!

Sakara Life provided the most amazing DIY Superfood Bowls featuring many of cocokind’s ingredients (ylang ylang, coconut, lavender, chlorophyll, etc)! Photo cred: Ana Kamin from @Fluxi

Our gorgeous menu for the night!

Beauty waters from Sakara! Their night water includes chlorella (which we have in our facial mask), and their beauty water includes rosewater (another ingredient of ours!).

Our products were on full display! Devon and Diana from the team gave step-by-step tutorials to our guests.

Our guests learned about why we use each one of our ingredients and how they serve our skin.

Learning about our ingredients and seeing just how simple they really are!

Our guests instagramming…because obviously!

No party is complete without a throwback Polaroid!

The event was an amazing opportunity to meet and support other women entrepreneurs in the Bay Area! From left to right, Tina, Caroline, Jillian, Priscilla, Jen, Nichole, and Meghan

We sent our guests home with the cutest little gift boxes!

Thank you to Dang Foods for providing the most yummy late night snack in our sendaway gift boxes. We also included cocokind’s facial repair serum, sea moss exfoliator, and lip balms!