So Good You Could (& Can) Eat It: DIY Chocolate Mask


With ingredients like organic cacoa and honey, seriously, who could resist taking a bite out of this recipe? Our three step CHOCOLATE (you heard us right) face mask is tightening, purifying and hydrating…on top of being delicious.

Here at cocokind we believe that the best ingredients for our skin are lying right in the pantry. But before you start rubbing dinner on your face, we’ll lay out a personal favorite for you… CHOCOLATE.

1 mask, 3 ingredients

1) 2 tbsp raw cocoa

While eating chocolate has a bad rep for skin, applying cocoa in its raw form is great! By adding sugar, milk, and various other byproducts to our beloved indulgence, chocolate loses some of its skin-friendliness. Pure cocoa (even when ingested!) has anti-aging, skin repairing antioxidants.

2) 1 tbsp. honey

This sweet superfood helps the skin retain moisture, and is full of antibacterial properties that help to fight acne!

3) 5 pumps of cocokind Organic Facial Repair Serum

While the name almost says it all, we’ve gotta say that our mixture of coconut oil, avocado oil, and rosehip oil is great for hydrating skin, repairing damaged cells, AND fighting acne.

The how-to:

1) Remove all makeup – it’s always best to start with a clean face!

2) Mix all ingredients in a bowl

3) Apply mask all over face (that’s almost as good as eating it, right?)

4) Let sit for about 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water

This product has been solving our inflamed skin problems and giving us a healthy summer glow! Share your glowing selfies with us on Instagram @cocokindskincare, and don’t forget to leave a comment below!

-The cocokind team