ck irl: emily


we're so grateful for all of the incredible members of our community, aka YOU! so, we've created this series - where we can hear all about your skincare routines, how you use cocokind IRL, and how you work to live a clean, conscious lifestyle. 

name: Emily Gray (@thisisagrayarea on instagram) 

age: 24

city: Vista, CA

occupation: jewelry maker / artist / student

what does a typical day look like for you?

First things first, make coffee. Then shower. I caretake for my 92 year old grandmother full-time, so M-F from 7:30-4:00, I am really just hanging out with her. Making sure she gets up, eats breakfast, gets her pills, and gets dressed. Maybe go out and have some fun, or if she is sleepy that day, I’ll try to get some work done while she snoozes in her favorite chair.

After, I go outside into my little blue work studio, which I renovated myself a few months ago. I'll get started on my second job as a jewelry maker, casting flowers, citrus, vintage paper, etc. in resin, grinding resin, assembling, hand-stamping cards, ordering, photographing, making content, foraging for flowers or even bugs, etc. I do everything myself, so every day is different, but usually pretty laborious!

I've recently had to push much of my jewelry business to the side to make time for a series of oil paintings for a solo show I'll be having. And then, this month, I will (finally) be transferring to UC Riverside, which is an hour away. So, to put it simply, I don't get out much, but when I do, it's very nice!

 what made you decide to try cocokind? 

I was gifted some products and oh my goodness I am hooked!!!! They have COMPLETELY elevated my routine!

what steps do you take to live a clean/conscious lifestyle beyond your beauty routine?

I almost exclusively thrift my clothing. Also, recycling is big in my house. As for my business, I have made a huuuuuge effort to remove all plastic in the shipping process; the only thing I use is a single strip of packing tape per order, and I only use recycled boxes and labels. I've also recently started using plant matter, like leaves and things that I gather myself, as cute packing materials.

Working with resin can be very wasteful. Many other jewelry makers use single-use plastic cups and mixing sticks, but I choose to use reusable measuring cups and wooden popsicle sticks instead. It's a pain to clean up after every use, but it's important to me! And the resin itself is top shelf, so there are no VOCs or BPAs, which is great for the customer, and for my own peace of mind.

 who is someone that inspires you and why? 

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has been through so much and it hasn't hardened her or knocked her down. She keeps her chin up and a smile on her face, even at times when I really believe most wouldn't. Because of everything she's been through, she is also the first person I go to when I need to talk. She has helped me so much in these last few months. 

I am also inspired by my peers. Seeing the kids my age out there being creative in their own right is always inspiring! 

if you could give other cocokind lovers one piece of beauty advice, what would it be? 

Lip gloss makes for a fun, soft eyeshadow - sounds weird, I know, but I'm super into it (driving with the windows down proves challenging, however!). Also, I never buy blush. Lipstick is all you ever need. 

we had to ask - what's your favorite cocokind product? 

It is genuinely hard to answer that. I'd have to say the mai-light rosé highlighter or the chia facial oil. I'd say both are must-haves for me now. 

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