When we talk about our impact initiatives as a team, we always say: “sustainability in progress”. To us, this means that there really is no end goal when it comes to sustainability, it’s all about continuous work, testing, trying, learning. Since the early days of cocokind, our team has spent significant time and resources understanding and measuring our impact to implement real, meaningful changes. In just the last few years, we’ve done a deep dive on our carbon footprint, launched our own carbon labeling system, and solidified our stance on prioritizing high-quality, long-term climate projects vs. reaching "carbon neutral" status.
Since last year, we’ve partnered with climate action platform Patch to support 11 innovative projects and remove 461,000 kg of carbon dioxide. When choosing which projects to fund, we made sure they aligned with our stance of prioritizing high-quality projects that have a greater positive impact on the climate long term.
Each time you purchase cocokind, leave a review, or refer your favorite product to a friend, you directly impact our ability to give back in this way — so thank you! Learn more about a few of the exciting climate projects we’ve supported together over the last year:
Kelp Sequestration
Kelp is a type of seaweed found along rocky ocean shorelines. During photosynthesis, kelp absorbs sunlight and carbon dioxide from the ocean’s surface. The project we’re supporting grows and sinks kelp forests, which can store up to 20 times more carbon per acre than land forests. Since oceans make up two-thirds of the planet’s surface, researchers are exploring ways to scale these technologies to accelerate a more climate positive future.
Capturing cO2 in cement
Did you know that concrete is the most widely used human-made material in the world? Concrete is made by mixing water, cement, and sand or gravel. This project injects carbon dioxide into the mix, which mineralizes when combined with cement converting it permanently to stone. Carbon mineralization in concrete has proven to be a viable and permanent solution to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Regenerative Grazing
Over 40% of US land area is devoted to grazing animals — that’s a lot of land! And all that land has the capacity to store massive amounts of CO2. This project helps land owners restore native ecosystems and prairie grasses by mimicking the way bisons graze open land. Healthy ecosystems and land cover help pull CO2 out of the air and store it in the soil through natural photosynthesis. The healthier the land, the more CO2 that can be stored.
Wind Farming
Wind farms generate clean energy which can replace fossil-fuel generated energy and help create a more low carbon future. Each wind farm is connected to the electric grid and takes up a very small amount of land in proportion to its capacity to produce renewable energy. These projects yield many benefits to local communities and can supply energy to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses each year.
This is just a snapshot of the projects we’ve supported and we’ll continue to keep you updated as we make more progress and explore additional ways to navigate our impact as a brand. Thank you for being on this journey with us!