Code Red for Climate


Today, we’re proud to be joining forces with over 150 beauty brands in calling our lawmakers and urging them to pass critical climate policy now. We all recognize that fighting climate change is a team effort, and we can accomplish more when we work together.

But first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m not going to sugarcoat or deny the fact that all beauty companies contribute to more waste. Companies that are sustainably-minded, like cocokind and our peers that we’re allying with today, are far from being zero waste across our corporate and supply chain operations (and we may never be). We’re taking a hard look at this to evaluate our impact. 

The first step is to understand where we are today, and evaluate (and share publicly!) the pros and cons of our decisions. While we already implement many sustainability practices we are proud of, one of the largest challenges for any company is simply measuring our current impact and keeping this measurement up to date. We cannot say that we are carbon neutral until we have a deep understanding of what our current impact is. We can easily offset our carbon impact, but the real work is in researching what our impact is, and increasing data integrity over time. This research allows us to identify the largest changes we can make as a company to have the biggest environmental impact.

Sustainability isn’t just about packaging decisions, either. It’s about a thousand different things, like teaching customers how to actually recycle, not adding unnecessary marketing materials to your packages, etc., that we can do to make a difference. Today, one of those things that we can do is to encourage our community to call our lawmakers. We are all activists in this community, and we ask you to join us in calling 202-318-5170 today to support climate action from Congress.  

What to say when you call: 

"Hi, my name is (YOUR NAME), I am one of your constituents living in (YOUR CITY STATE). I want to ask the (SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE) to support critical climate solutions including the following 4 things:

  1. A Clean Electricity Payment Program that cuts emissions and modernizes our grid.
  2. Directing 40% of funding to frontline communities.
  3. Ending subsidies for fossil fuel corporations.
  4. A Civilian Climate Corps that puts people to work."

Thank you so much for your participation, every call will make a difference!
Founder and CEO