Fruit For Skin: Pore-Reducing Watermelon Towels


Another day, another skin experiment with our favorite FOODS! Here at cocokind, we figure out how to use natural food ingredients in our beauty routines and maximize the benefits for skin.

This summer, we’ve been playing around with our favorite fruit: WATERMELON! Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, and other antioxidants, so we had an inkling that it would be an effective food-for-skin. Sure enough, we found that watermelon makes for an amazing in-between step after cleansing and before toning. The benefits? Smaller pores and gentle exfoliation from the fruit’s acids!

We took what we learned and created these Pore Reducing Watermelon Towels…served on ice! These towels are best used after a hot shower to close pores and even out skin tone, while they also deliver major hydration and antioxidants.

The best part? All you need is a mini watermelon, some ice, and a towel – talk about simple beauty!

Ready to cool off and battle your pores? Here’s our how-to:

Slice open a mini watermelon and scoop out fruit with an ice cream scooper, leaving only the juice behind.

Fill the empty melon with ice cubes (this makes for the cutest ice cooler by the way)!

Allow the ice to melt around halfway, and then roll up a towel and dip into the watery/icy/watermelony mix.

Add some more ice cubes to fill it up.

Take a shower, using our facial cleansing oil or sea moss exfoliator. Post shower, apply the iced towel to your face for a minute. Rinse off with cool water and finish with a light sweep of our rosewater toner on a cotton pad!

What happened to your pores? Yeah, we put them on a forced vacation.

Hope you love this recipe! Share your experiences in the comments below or email us at

-Priscilla and the cocokind team